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8a Examples - The Overtone Series

The overtone series is a series of intervals above a given pitch. We call the lowest pitch the fundamental, and every tone above it is considered an overtone. In the example below, C2 is the fundamental, C3 is the first overtone, G3 is the second overtone, and so on.

The other system used to discuss the overtone series is label each overtone as a partial. In this system, the fundamental is considered equal to all other tones, so it is labeled as the first partial. In the example below, C2 is the first partial, C3 is the second partial, G3 is the third partial, and so on.

For the example below, determine the numbering for each of these notes as both overtones and partials. Then practice transposing the entire series to other pitches.

Bernstein on the importance of the overtone series

Next, please watch this wonderful video of Leonard Bernstein explaining how the overtone series explains harmony’s evolution throughout the ages. Keep in mind that each evolutionary step he discusses adds another partial from the overtone series.